Tim Teulings Blog www.framstag.com


VisualOberon is a widget library for Oberon-2 applications for Linux with some support for other operating systems like Windows and Mac OS.

Part of the VisualOberon suite are also some additional demo applications that made use fo the framework.

Highlights of the VisualOberon framework are:

As part of the VisualOberon development I also wrote some code for the OOC compiler standard library.

What did I learn?

My work on VisualOberon told me much about operating systems and their user interfaces. I especially learned much about Linux and its common libraries and APIs. I also experimented with automatically generated GUIs from structured definitions (relational database).

And of course VisualOberon also contained a small text editor again I used for development :-)

Why did I stop?

I stopped working on VisualOberon at the time it was obvious that the work on OOC (nearly) stopped, Oberon-2 would not get any wider usage and that other languages better supported close to the system and UI programming. I still was keen on implementing GUI engines so I started developing Illumination.

Table of contents